Nowadays, when technological competition is at the forefront, R&D is of great importance in revealing products and ideas that are created as a result of an original and creative process with high added value, which will allow countries to be at the top of this race. ITU is one of the most important institutions that can lead R&D and innovation with its scientific knowledge, young and dynamic student, expert and academician potential and research infrastructure. In this context, in order to move our university forward at the national and international level in the field of RESEARCH, which is one of the most important components of our university, a new structure was made in the field of research and the Deanship of Research (ARDEK) was established..
ITÜ ARDEK will be responsible for following and announcing new research policies. As a unit with decision-making authority, ARDEK will assist in a wide range of academic matters beyond research. Deanery; It will support in-school and out-of-school application research centers, laboratories, institutes and centers in order to use their program scope, current developments, direction, management and resources correctly.